Max Wade, who was convicted in a teenage crime spree that included a murder attempt, could be free as soon as 2025 under a Marin County court ruling.

The ruling “ends the nearly decade-long court saga surrounding Max’s case,” said Wade’s attorney, Charles Dresow.

“This resentencing does not free Max from punishment,” Dresow said, “rather it gives him a chance to earn an earlier release through rehabilitation and good behavior.”

Judge Kelly Simmons shortened Wade’s prison term by 10 years after reducing a penalty that had been added to his sentence for firing a gun.

The ruling came after Dresow petitioned the court to reconsider Wade’s sentence under Senate Bill 620, which gives judges discretion on whether to add extra time for gun offenses. Gun penalties, which can increase prison sentences by up to 25 years, were mandatory before SB 620, which took effect in 2018.

Wade, who was sentenced to 21 years to life in prison in 2014, is now eligible for parole in August 2025, according to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. The ruling by Simmons on Dec. 4 reduced Wade’s extra prison time for the gun offense from 20 years to 10.

Marin County District Attorney Lori Frugoli declined to comment on the ruling.

Wade, now 26, was convicted after a 2012 motorcycle drive-by shooting in Mill Valley. Helmeted and dressed in black, Wade, 17, fired five shots into a pickup truck that was occupied by Landon Wahlstrom of Mill Valley and Eva Dedier of Terra Linda. The teenage couple escaped with minor injuries from flying glass.

Authorities alleged that Wade, who sold fake IDs to Dedier and other teens, was infatuated with Dedier and planned the shooting after learning of her relationship with Wahlstrom. Wade was convicted of the attempted murder of Wahlstrom but acquitted of a charge alleging he also tried to kill Dedier.

After the shooting, investigators tailed Wade to a storage locker he rented in Richmond, where he pulled a loaded handgun from his waistband before detectives tackled and arrested him.

Inside the locker, investigators found a $200,000 Lamborghini that belonged to celebrity chef Guy Fieri. The car was stolen from a San Francisco dealership in 2011 by a burglar who rappelled from a high window, authorities said. A sales contract found inside the locker indicated that Wade planned to ship the car out of Oakland and sell it to a dealership in the Dominican Republic.

The storage unit also contained a replica police uniform, guns, ammunition, radio signal jammers and other burglary equipment. Investigators found evidence that Wade was planning to steal about $6 million in merchandise from a San Francisco jewelry store in a heist that involved escaping by helicopter.

Wade, who lived in Tiburon and San Rafael during much of his childhood, was tried as an adult for the two sets of crimes. In 2019, a Marin County judge rejected Wade’s petition to send his case back to juvenile court for prosecution.

Wade is incarcerated at San Quentin State Prison.